Ok children, ok. Settle down. Well, a long time ago, when we each of us had a kitchen, we could get all kinds of food & make new food by putting different things together. I know, I know. You always get the same thing (in unison) "protein bars!" Right, well, long time ago we had all kinds of different foods. And some of that food was called "cookies". Well, there were chocolate cookies, & oatmeal cookies, & cookies made all of butter & jam. There were cookies made of just about everything. You see, everybody made them. You could tell at Christmas sometimes, a lot about a person. At my work, there was lady who always brought Italian cookies made with almonds, sugar, sesame seeds & butter. They just melted in your mouth. & we were so rich, she'd make boxes of them & just hand them out at work. "What was work?" Oh you remember. I told you about work before.
Ok, ok. Well, a long time ago we used to agree on so many things together that we would do amazing things together. We'd go everyday & lots of people would come together & at the end of a few weeks or a month we would get a PAY DAY. You see, after we spent all of our time doing something we all agreed on we could all get money & then take care of our families, stock our kitchens, & live like real people.
Just freedom & comfort I tell you!
It was such a thing!
Why we did amazing things & called it "work".
Sometimes we could help people who needed it or feed people who were hungry or even take people from dangerous situations & keep them safe. But that was before the collapse, before we could be in the open again.
"Why didn't they fix it?"
That's a really good question. I still wonder at that.
You see, there were some people who were treated so badly that it took a few hundred years before we listened to their plight & it was so long in the making that there were people who wouldn't let it go.
If they would only have listened to the suffering of their neighbor I think we could have avoided the collapse but they just couldn't let it go. They HAD to keep pushing until the fight was all that we had. & While we were fighting we missed the chance to save the world.
And once jobs and cookies were not possible anymore all we had was the protein bars. Nobody could make any difference anymore because by then the world was on fire & the poles had melted & the animals all died. (seeing the sadness) But before all that we had eggs & chocolate & sugar & we could make cookies after a hard day & eat them warm with chocolate milk. It was warm & gooey & sweet. I remember going to the bakery & seeing shelves & shelves of cookies. From everywhere in the world. Everybody made cookies & loved them. I wonder, if we only shared cookies instead of hate we could still have holidays & jobs & families. Well, goodnight children. Remember to say your prayers. "May everyone get their protein bar & stay safe from the sun & the air & be well for one more day, it is all we can ask" yes, I hope your parents, wherever they are can be that safe. sweet dreams.